Saturday, 27 September 2014

Warley Closed

Yes the Conservative Party have closed Warley Conservative Association to create a Federation with people who have been in other political  party's  trying so hard to get Conservatives to lose Elections

Note:- Not one person in Warley had ever been in any other political party
No one in Warley has ever actively fought to damage any other Conservative
at election time

Warley Conservative Association represented the constituency of 
Warley in the West Midlands  
on behalf of the 
Conservative Party since before WW2  

Warley Association  was asked to be part of a Sandwell federation
with two other constituency associations    

Warley Association held a true and democratic paper ballot 
of its members 34 at that time and 
not one member wanted to join this new "Federation"

Party Management were informed of the Votes outcome that the members had voted against the proposal 

Then all went quiet
However, without informing any of the democratically elected Association Officers 
or any of the members 

the Conservative Party  Management
Closed Warley Association 

Perhaps it was just a oversight ?
Perhaps they just simply forgot? 

Strangely they did not forget the Associations money  

The Officers of Warley Association only found out they had been closed months later 
when Party Management  demanded Warley Associations 
bank books 

Mysteriously the party Management then said it was to late to appeal 


Let us remind Conservative Party Management  the definition of a Federation

fed•er•a•tion (ˌfɛd əˈreɪ ʃən)

A federation (from Latin: foedus, gen.: foederis, "covenant"), also known as a federal state, is a political entity characterized by a union of partially self-governing states or regions under a central (federal) government.

1. the act of federating or uniting in a league.

2. the formation of a political unity, with a central government, by a number of separate states, each of which retains control of its own internal affairs.

Lets look at this definition 
Warley has been excluded from a "federation" because it did not wish to be part of one 

Looking at item 1 
The act of uniting is a sad reflection and a cynical joke,  if you exclude Warley association which had more members than the other 2 associations combined, 

 it is "NOT FEDERATED " its called Excluded

Strangely item 2 of the definition (each of which retains control ) is a fabrication as all 30 + members of Warley Association have been excluded told they are not constitutional, closed and ignored and not one former member was invited to join, actually they have been refused.

So we look forward to being told how Warley Conservative Association  retains control of its internal affairs in a federation it didn't want and has been excluded from.  

So the new definition of " Federation" must be 
 You can't join 
But we want all of your Money 

So The Conservative  & Unionist Party is not democratic ? 
The funny thing is the Conservative Party felt it democratic enough to  
empty the bank accounts and transfer the associations assets.

Communications to Conservative Board members and Party Chairmen  either go unanswered or they have the cheek to say "its not our problem" in the reply
Letters to the Prime Minister   ( recorded delivery) remain unanswered, yes unanswered 

So after over 70 years the Conservative party has done what the Labour couldn't do, Destroy the pride and a Conservative presence of Conservatives in Warley.
Mr Speller and Mr Watson must be laughing all the way to the ballot box and we are confident following next May's elections Sandwell will be a Conservative Free Zone.

So as fellow “Conservatives “ dutifully line up for the Convention in Birmingham for the party Conference just look 2 miles down the road to Warley and give thanks to Area management 
as not one person from Warley Association will be in attendance.

Perhaps the definition of  "democracy"

 Control of an organisation or group 
by the majority of its members. 

No longer applies  
in a 
     Undemocratic anti Unionist party

UP DATE  May 2015 

The Sandwell Federation 
has lost its last Conservative Councillor
Sandwell is a Conservative Free Zone

Worse still 
The Parliamentary Constituency
candidates returned the worst ever poll 
with one placed 3rd